domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

Page Grids

1.- Page Grids- Divine Proportion

What exactly is Golden ratio?
  • 1.618033988749895  aprox -> 1.618
  • Related to the sum of the Fibonacci sequence

Page Grids - Rule of thirds
  • Alternative to divine proportion.The four points formed by the intersections of these lines can be used to place the most important elements - the elements you’d like to give a prominent or dominant position in your designs.
  • Be careful with responsive design. Responsiveness should respect this rules for aesthetic results.

Page Grids
  • Websites have a need for consistency for:
    • main areas (ads, branding, navigation, and general content)
  • Even for unconventional layout designs.
  • While there are a few variations of this design pattern, the following generally applies:
    • Branding(logo, tagline, etc.) are at the top left
    • Navigation is towards the top, preferably as left as possible.
    • Content lies within the middle of the page.
    • Adds are to the right, in a secondary spot
    • Footer content includes things that are not essential, but should still be usable and interesting since it is the last impression on the reader
2.- Vertical navigation Bar
  • Left or right navigation bars have become less and less common as we tend towards more simplistic websites and horizontal navigation
  • Vertical sidebar navigation is perfect for more complex navigation
    • Take for example
3.- Horizontal navigation bar
  • More simple forms of navigation (less than 10 categories), this interface can be a huge space saver.

4.- Modular Tabs
  • Modular tabs can compact extra content in a clean and organized way, and hide it until it is wanted by the user.
5.- Breadcrumbs
  • Breadcrumbs (a path which shows from where one came from) are a visual representation of navigational hierarchy.
6.- Archives
  • A smart archive design pattern though can display all the content on one page, by title, date and possibly category.
7.- Content Footers
  • Fat footer content is best for leading the user to new content at the end of the page, and so should therefore be easily scannable and in a format that is intriguing.
8.- Pagination
  • UI Patterns describes pagination use in terms of design solution as follows.
    • bits that are manageable for the user to read an cope with
    • conveys information to the user about, how big dataset is
9.- Lazy registration
  • Interface design is all about not making the user think, and a lazy registration page can help in doing just that.
10.- Form Wizard
  • Wizards break down and label steps, so the user can identify where they are in the process and how much more work is required.
11.- Hierarchical actions
  • Simple things such as a shape around a primary action and plain text for the secondary action, change in color vibrancy
    • Create hierarchical order between two or more items
    • People is lazy. Use the fact that most people will only read/notice big and shiny things to your advantage

       An example of a website with poor design, this is something me must avoid

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